thought-starters & perspectives.


When they also make the work.
That’s where I found myself for 11+ years at Google, developing new ideas using the latest & greatest technology. But instead of handing the strategy off to creative teams — I made the magic myself, pressure-testing hypotheses to ensure advertisers had the right guidance to make great ads.
This combination of analysis & action helped define my sweet spot as a Strategic Creative Specialist.
When I work with the world’s top brands, I start with questions...
...and then I diagnose challenges & offer solutions using bespoke combinations of industry trends, ad effectiveness guidance, video experimentation, pre-production consultation & post-production editing.
This helps clients see what they can’t see on their own, so they get what they want and more importantly, what they need. By feeding data into creativity & creativity into data, my client’s storytelling becomes less literal, more expansive, and ultimately, drives better results.

Some may see our AI-provoked, privacy-driven, multi-platform, multi-screen video universe as complicated; I see it as the inevitable & awesome future, the lab where we navigate ambiguous situations & unlock meaningful results.
My approach is proven—by using quantitative & qualitative methodologies that blend insight with instinct, I’ve changed the creative direction & business trajectory for some of the world’s hottest brands.

That’s why I’d love to work with you.

Have a look at my portfolio, and give me a shout if you want to chat about something you’re working on—I would be happy to help.